Q3/4 2024 Speaking Engagements

As per our usual practice, we list below the events our MD will be attending or appearing at, as a speaker, moderator or panelist.

15th September - 'Buy a Baldy a Beer' - Venue TBC

16-17th September - DCD Connect London - https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/dcd-connect-live/connect-london/2024/

18th September - Green IO https://greenio.tech//conference/9/london-2024-september-green-it

26th September - Data Center Forum - Copenhagen https://www.datacenter-forum.com/events/copenhagen/2023 - TBC

8th - 10th October - Yotta Las Vegas - Yotta

15th - 17th October - Capacity Europe https://www.capacityeurope.com/

16th October - SCTE Autumn Lecture - https://thescte.eu/events/events-calendar/icalrepeat.detail/2024/10/16/211/-/scte-autumn-lecture

21st October - NDCA Press/Open Day - tickets from this link

22nd October - Data Centre Alliance - Transformation Conference https://dctransformation.co.uk/

23rd October NDCA Press/Open Day - tickets from this link

31st October - BCS Green IT AGM - TBC

13th November - Critical Insight Webinar - Panel – https://critical-insight.co.uk/home-2024/agenda-2024-day-2/

20th/21st November - Data Centres Ireland - https://www.datacentres-ireland.com/

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