We aim to assist companies in reducing the financial and environmental cost of using IT in business. Companies benefit by reducing their energy bills, reducing their carbon footprint and meeting new and upcoming legislation.
We all love to save money on energy bills and we can help!
Energy Efficient
Reduce your costs today
We visit your premises and conduct a survey of your infrastructure. We talk to your management team to understand your current business needs and gain insights into your strategy moving forward.
Carbon Footprint
Help the planet by reducing the amount of carbon emitted.
Be Green
Save the planet and money
Using a resource efficient IT consultancy to provide Sustainable IT services will reduce your costs, supplement any Corporate Social Responsibility programme with tangible results.
Be prepared to meet new and upcoming Legislation
It's the Law
Be one step ahead and be prepared
Prepare your business for any future regulatory or legislative changes, protect against the energy gap and price increases and impact your bottom line.
Carbon3IT Ltd
Reducing costs and helping the environment
Welcome to the Carbon3IT Ltd website, we are a Sustainable IT Consultancy. Our goal is to assist organisations to reduce their financial and environment cost of using IT in their operations.
Organisations benefit by reducing their energy bills, minimising their carbon footprint, meeting new and upcoming legislation and guidelines and decreasing their impact on the environment.
The map below shows the extent of our operations and the organisations we have already assisted.
We aim to assist companies in reducing the financial and environmental cost of using IT in business. Companies benefit by reducing their energy bills; reducing their carbon footprint; meeting new and upcoming legislation or guidelines and minimising their impact on the environment.